
19th Sep

Status : Sold Out



Freehand smoking  pipe carved from  Calabrian Bruyère, mouthpiece hand cut German Lucite with Iron-wood adornment.

Freihand Tabakpfeife – extra trockenes Bruyère aus Kalabrien, MS Intarsie aus Ironwood.





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Fisherman’s Billard

19th Sep

Status : Sold

Olivewood freehand smoking pipe carved from an approx. 800+ years old olive tree, dried for at least 10 – 12 more years at my workshop, mouthpiece hand cut German cumberland green acrylic.

This beautiful piece of olivewood showed at first glance an archaic placement of grain that later on reviled itself as a true gem with deep wavelike reflections. The pipe has a subtly flowing arch-line in regard to local Fisherman boats , hence the name ‘Fishermans Billard’.

The pipestand is from Olivewood with centerpoint balance perfectly matched to the particular proportions and weight of this pipe.


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