Octagon ‘heavenly gate’

5th Mar

Status : Sold

Details:Octa XI

Bruyère smoking  pipe carved from a cross grained 25 year old block(Corsican).The straight grain flows horizontally in regard to  the bowl and vertically to the stem, each side of the octagonal shapes has a mirror image of the grain across ….such a well behaved fit of the grain upon the octagonal shape happens but very seldom.

The mouthpiece is from hand cut German Lucite with precious gem stone inlay, Blue Lapis and Kiyanite,red Rubelite and Moonstone fragments each handpicked,pipe cleaner passes easily, draft holes are bored to 4.2mm, stem forms towards the button a Y slot providing a minimal airflow resistance while ensuring an easy draw ,comes with black plush clove.


Tabak Pfeife aus  extra trockenen reich gemaserten cross grain Bruyère  (Korsika),Mundstück handgeschnitten Acryl mit Halbedelstein inlay, Pfeifenreiniger geht glatt durch .Weit geöffnete Y Fächerung am Biss,eine ausgewogene fein balanzierte Pfeife die sehr angenehm in der Hand liegt,kommt mit schwarzem Plüsch Säckchen.












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